Terri Roberts
Massage Therapy

A Tailored Massage Experience to suit your Lifestyle and Needs.

Professional Sports, Remedial, Deep Tissue and Relaxing Massage with over 15 years experience


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About me

I am a VTCT trained, fully qualified and insured Massage Therapist with over 15 years’ experience, with a Diploma in Sports Massage. I studied at City College Norwich, with further studies in London and Thailand and am also a member of The Complimentary Therapist Association.

I can help to alleviate the stress and tension, which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity caused by occupational, recreational or sporting activities. Each massage is tailored to your specific requirements, whether you want to relax and unwind or a more rehabilitative treatment involving manipulation of muscles and soft tissues for pain relief, muscle repair, health maintenance and injury prevention.

— Terri Roberts



I work deeply and instinctively, responding to the muscles and soft tissues in the body, tailoring each treatment to your individual physical need or injuries.

Whether you’re an athlete or someone suffering from pain or tense muscles, I can help you.